OneView Dashboard
Manage your entire reward system in the one place. Our dashboard feature gives you an overview of classes, student information, achievement charts, awards breakdown, activity summaries, and more. Need to move a student between classes? Transfer all their information with the simple click of a button. Want to know your top-achieving student? Ask the search box. Only need a few data sets displayed? Your workspace is fully customizable. Our dashboard puts you back in control. It’s simple, elegant, and versatile. Managing classes has never been easier.
Gamification Engine
Get kids excited about learning through our gamification engine. You’ll have fun creating your very own award system that celebrates student success. Gamification applies elements of game play—rules, point scoring, competition, reward—to other areas of life. Our platform adopts this approach in the classroom. How does it work? Choose the behaviors that you want to encourage. Decide which achievements you want to celebrate. Then, using our web-based system, design fun and attractive rewards and redeemable points, prizes, or badges. Classroom learning will never be the same again. The best reward of all? Happier, more engaged students.
Smart ATM Kiosk
Our amazing Smart ATM Kiosk is an Andriod-based app (available free in Google Play) that lets students take charge of their learning. It’s simple and innovative. The teacher downloads the app onto a common shared device. Student can then check their points “balance” by inputting a unique PIN number, just like a bank ATM. They have fun cashing in points for rewards and prizes. Classroom success is instantly and clearly rewarded. Best of all, you create a positive learning environment.
Custom Awards
Every classroom is different. Our fully customizable platform lets you create your own points and reward system. It’s easy. Simply choose the behavior you want to encourage or the milestones you want to celebrate. Then name your award, such as “Homework Hero” or “Math Wiz”. Design your own badge or pick from our pre-existing ones. You’ll have as much fun as your students with our custom awards feature.
Multi-classroom Support
Have multiple classroom sessions? Our platform caters to learning centers big and small. The multi-classroom support gives you an easy and seamless way to students through our OneView Dashboard. Faced with a student who wants to switch classes? No problem. Simply transfer all their details with the click of a button. Their previous awards, progress charts, and attendance records are completely intact. Have students who want to take multiple classes? Just add them to multiple class lists and track their progress with our overview screen. The more classes students take, the more points and prizes they earn. That’s how you reward and retain your most loyal customers.
Our ScreenCast feature gets your business seen and heard in the form of a continuous promotional stream. This platform broadcasts student awards, leadership boards, photo galleries, events feeds, social media material, and much more onto a big screen TV in your public reception area. It works through the elegant ChromeCast online media streaming device. It’s a great way to connect with your customers and cross promote business partners. Your brand will have an edge over its competitors by gaining a more powerful presence. You’ll get maximum use out of every area in your learning center as well as keep customers up-to-date with events and student achievements.

Automated Notifications
Customer engagement is key to your business success. However, quality direct communication can be time-consuming. That’s why we came up with our automated notifications system. It lets you connect with parents in a fast, simple, yet personalized way. How does it work? After you give a student an award, our system automatically generates custom and personalized email (based on predefined template) to inform parents of their child’s achievement. It’s a great way to keep parents informed and engaged with your business. The best part is that you have complete control of the process. The email first sits in a draft folder ready to be modified and sent (or not sent) in your own time. It’s a fully customizable and flexible design.
Cross Marketing
After subscribing, you have access to the wider SpurSpot business community. Our messaging platform allows quick and easy communication between learning centers in different areas. You can network and get valuable advice from industry peers. See how others grow their businesses and get the best use out of our gamification platform. You can also engage in cross marketing strategies to promote your business in a different context. For example, a karate school and a math tuition center can make contact and agree to exchange advertising materials. This may take the form of displaying each other’s advertising flyers on ScreenCast streams or publishing flyers via email blast (without compromising privacy of your customer contact email list). Both businesses are able to reach a greater number of potential customers and spread brand awareness.
Customer Feedback
Getting customer feedback is crucial to the growth of your business. It’s how you find out what you’re doing right and where you’re falling short. It shows customers that you’re committed to quality service and genuinely seek their input. However, most learning centers struggle to find the time and resources to collect regular, high quality feedback. This is a massive blind spot for any business. Our feedback tool automates the entire process. We reach out to customers, gauge satisfaction levels, and give you easy access to data. The timing and content of surveys are customizable—you’re in control of the entire process. We even collect feedback data at major customer milestones, such as award announcements and anniversaries. With our innovative tool, you get valuable business data while saving time and resources. Feedback in hand, your business can then engage, improve, and innovate.
Customer Reviews
In the digital age, your learning center’s online reputation is more important than ever. That’s because review sites are the new social proof. Customers rely more and more on what others have to say before committing to a business. Positive reviews—and lots of them—will give your center greater visibility and credibility. It’s the key to gaining a competitive edge. Our automated tool makes it easier for customers to share the things they love about your learning center. Using a data-driven approach, we identify the right time to send customers emails, such as during award announcements or anniversaries. Our email template then provides an easy, 1-click way to post reviews on Yelp, Google+, and Facebook. Best of all, our tool is completely customizable—you control the timing and content of the notifications. Attracting online customer reviews is now faster and easier than ever. Take advantage of our innovative tool to gain new customers and grow your business.
Customer Referrals
Word-of-mouth has a powerful influence on your ability to reach new customers: more than 85% of consumers say they rely on peer recommendations. In the education market, verbal marketing is your most potent form of advertising. Customers rely strongly on friends, family, and parent referrals. Our automated tool makes the referral process easier than ever. Using a data-driven approach, we customize all customer communication to encourage referral marketing. Satisfied customers receive extra reminders, incentives, and rewards to refer someone to your business. They also see referral reminders during positive events, such as award announcements and anniversaries. Best of all, our tool is completely customizable—you control the frequency of communications. Save precious time and marketing resources with our automated referral tool. Tap into your existing customer base with our powerful in-built features. With deeper customer relationships, you can grow, achieve, and succeed.
Social Sharing
Parents and students are the most powerful advocates for your business. It’s their words, opinions, and recommendations that are the most trusted among peers. Our social sharing feature allows quick and easy sharing on networking sites. With a few clicks of a button, photos of your award ceremonies and student achievements can be uploaded to your Facebook, Twitter, or photo-sharing platform. Parents can opt-in to allow their child’s achievements to be publically displayed. Customers can also spread the word about your business through one-click feature. After their child gets a high-profile award, parents post photos of your ceremony and learning center to their own social networking sites. This is a great way to get your business seen and heard by a wider audience.