Student motivation is a key trigger that defines the success of a Learning center. The success of a Learning Center is usually measured in terms of student achievements and their enthusiasm to excel. Motivating a student through accolades, awards, positive notes and public acknowledgement, drives them to perform better and try harder. While student success can be directly linked with happy parents, the success stories and testimonials could herald a growth in your Learning Center business.

Happy Students share their learning Experiences

Students who are recognized through Awards, accolades or badges have significantly higher self-esteem. They feel proud to share their learning experiences with parents, relatives, friends and social platforms too. This serves as a perfect channel to market your Learning Center, without spending a single penny.

Parents feel proud of High Achievers

Parents are particularly concerned when it comes to effective education for their children. Automated mails sent out to parents informing them about certain notable achievements or awards won by the student, acts as a major boost in “Feel-Good- Factor”.

  • A proud parent usually uses social media channels such as Facebook or Twitter to share the positive success stories.
  • A proud parent would be more likely to continue with the Learning Center. From the business perspective, this results in definitive Customer Retention.

Motivation heightens the Achievement Levels

A motivated student strives harder to achieve more and perform better. Awarding the student and applauding them publicly catapults the self-esteem and sense of achievement. Such periodic motivations inspire the student to try harder and perform even better. Here’s a consolidated list of motivational strategies for Learning Centers.

  • Awards (Gifts or goodies)
  • Publicly praising the student.
  • Certificates of appreciation.
  • Informing and thanking the parents for their continuous support.
  • Sending emails informing parents of their child’s success.

Student Retention, Customer Engagement and Business Growth

Engaging the customers and maintaining a continuous communication channel instills a sense of confidence and faith in them. Such proactive customer engagement plays another crucial role in customer retention. The tabular representation below chalks out some of the strategies and their respective objectives.

Actions / Strategies                            Outcomes                                           

Request parents to provide feedbacks and review comments on a weekly or monthly basis.

Helps in proactive customer engagement. Happy parents serve as a brand advocate, recommending your learning center among their respective social circuits.

Convert the positive feedbacks into testimonials. Showcase positive success stories and leverage business growths through 360 Degree channels – Blogs, Advertisements, Neon boards, Social media, brochures, leaflets.
Implement the review comments to improve certain avenues of daily functioning and operations. Honor and acknowledge the reviews. Parents feel important and empowered. Helps in customer motivation and retention.
Appreciate students through award programs and send notification Emails to parents applauding them for continuous support. Parents feel proud and connected. They are convinced of their children’s continuous improvements. This would motivate parents to continue their subscription with the Learning Center. Customer retention and business growth are the two outcomes.
Integrate Social media handles into the Emails and other notification making it easy for parents to share the success stories of their children.

Proud parents share pictures, events and achievement snippets on their Social circuit, thereby increasing your business visibility and overall footprint.

Student retention and customer engagement are two pillars that defines business growth for a Learning Center business. Motivating the students and guiding them to perform better impacts a parent’s decision to renew their annual subscription with a particular learning center. This potentially helps the business owners and learning center managers with Customer retention.